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10 Yard Carry Test


  1. Ava Moreland  70.7
  2. Mia Moreland  63

20 Yard Carry Test


  1. Michael J Cestone  95
  2. Sarah Alvarado 81.5
  3. Mason Fulgencio 72.5
  4. Ava Moreland  70.4
  5. Mia Moreland  60.7
  6. Madison Smith 51

40Yard Carry Test


  1. Frank Cestone 79.5
  2. Michael J Cestone  79.1
  3. Mason Fulgencio 58.7
  4. Connor Danzig  56.8
  5. Mia Moreland 56.2
  6. Tony Moreland
  7. Haydn Riley 47.7
  8. Ava Moreland  46.1

60Yard Carry Test


  1. Mia Moreland 53.3
  2. Connor Danzig  46.2
  3. Haydn Riley 42.8
  4. Ava Moreland  25.2
Tournament junior golf clinics
A table with several different types of statistics.